Monday, January 19, 2009

IIIIII'mmmm BACK!!!!

My speech therapist is harassing me about the blog so I thought i would come on and say hi to everyone. First of all, I'm doing fine and I look forward to being able to converse with everyone soon. Don't hesitate to drop me a line if you want. I wish everyone for a great 2009 and I hope to meet everyone soon.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

handing off

Hi folks,

Well, Dennis is ready to start blogging again!!! Yippee!!! Over the next few days, Dennis will be reviewing all that happened to him over the past 6 months. He doesn't recall all that has happened to him so we will spend some time digesting the information together. Once ready, he will pick up the blogging. Stay tuned for Dennis ... coming soon.
