Tuesday, September 9, 2008

working out at the gym

Well today was Dennis first day of full therapy and it was busy. He went from 1 activity to another and even walked to the gym to do his exercises. Although his body is still weak, he is regaining strength each day. His memory is also getting better and he is starting to recall events of recent past.



Anonymous said...

Awesome recovery Dennis!! You are amazing!! It is such a rush to hear how well you are gaining! We are all excited for you as you take on the challenges of the rough spots and continue to come out on top! We are thankful for all the doctors and staff who have been and continue to be there for you in all this! May God continue to richly bless you in all good things!!! Jeff N

Victor and Sandie said...

This is very exciting news!! Keep up the great work Den!

zicole said...

wow. I am so happy to read the updates. Great work Dennis -- FANTASTIC!