Monday, July 14, 2008

Final Countdown

Tomorrow is the big day. I need to be at the University of Washington Medical Center by 5:15am. The surgery will start at 7:30am. The surgery will take somewhere between 6 to 12 hrs. I hope to be out of the ICU somewhere between 2 - 7 days.

I want to thank all the people who have voiced encouragement and those who have prayed for me. There is no way that I can name everyone here but please know that each of you are special to me.

As promised my sister will take over the blog temporarily. Please refrain from contacting her directly as she is taking care of my newborn niece - Adaya.

I'll catch everyone on the flip side.


Anonymous said...

you are in our thoughts and prayers.
as we koreans love to say, "FIGHTING!!"

see you tomorrow.

Gianni said...

Good luck Dennis. See you soon. No worries.

PS: That was the worst rendition of that song in history. You can tell how good they were by the amount of fans were in front of the stage. Ha!

Anonymous said...

Hi Dennis,
We haven't met yet but I'm a friend of Mary's and Shirley's and just clicked on your blog yesterday when you wrote this post... As we speak you're in the midst of surgery so just want you to know later that we're thinking of you now!
I read through more of your blog today- so well-written and inspired me to read on. I've had diabetes for many years (insulin!) ... Someday maybe we'll meet and can talk about it. Anyway, for today, sending you all the best.