Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Rock On!!!

I realize that I haven't blogged much since the 4th of July holiday but I'm freakin' busy so get off my tail!!!! At any rate, I'll get you updated reader's digest version of my latest experiences.

Last Thursday - When I came home from work, my mom was at the front door waiting with her bags packed. I guess she wanted to go home really badly. She said she wanted to go see, Adaya, her new granddaughter but I suspect that it was just a red herring to get out from my apartment.

Friday - Chilled throughout the day and went to see the Incredible Hulk. I hate to be overly melodramatic about the comic book based movie but I thought it was entertaining and quite touching. It showed me how lonely it was for Bruce Banner to live with his medical condition and it made me think about my loneliness too. (WiWillie, Shutya Mouth!!!)

Saturday Night - Went out to my friend Joe's house and played "RockBand" on his brother Paul's PS3. I got several dosages of some liquid courage with Joe's bartending concoctions. After some Crown and Coke and some Gin Martini's; I was able to slur and rattle my way through rock lyrics just the way the real singers did it. At the end of each song, I kept on thanking Detroit for supporting the band.

Sunday Night - Drove back to Seattle in an uneventful drive. Came home and tried to catch up on sleep.

Monday - Went to work and then met with a bunch of friends for dinner at Applebee's. They chipped in for the bill in case it was my "last supper". Just kidding (death jokes are more funny to me and more awkward for my readers).

That's a quick synopsis of my weekend. I trust yours was fulfilling and interesting. Remember, I have only a week left before the surgery. Any prayers would be helpful.


Wiwille said...

We need to get some beers before you go under the knife.

Anonymous said...

Hugs and prayers. Rockband sounds cooler than it looks in that video.

AccountDeleted said...

Prayer Update: my mom got an entire congregation praying for you, and these people are so hardcore I can hear my ears buzzing.. and I'm praying too.
Thank You Detroit!!!

Anonymous said...

rockband's pretty fun... it's too bad i only knew 5% of the songs they had (sorry, i'm not into banger music.) the only song i could sing with conviction was 'i'm a freak'. personally, i think guitarhero is more fun. we're probably going to get ps3 too b/c of those two games.

"I'M A FREAK....I'M A WEIRDO. WHAT THE HELL AM I DOING HERE? I DON'T BELONG HERE. I DON'T BELONG HERE..." (i noticed the louder you sing, the higher the score!)

Anonymous said...

Wiwille is SUCH a suck up! We will be thinking of you, best of luck and get well soon!