Friday, September 19, 2008

getting more exercises

Hi folks,

Dennis is getting stronger each day and is tolerating more and more exercises. His therapists have increased his gym time by another hour (he was already in there for 2 hours per day). He is working hard and knows the harder he works the better chance of getting out of the hospital.

He has been loosing fluid again (yeah!) and is feeling much better.

Preparation are in the works for his arrival home. From grab bars to wheelchairs to new shoes, the therapists are looking at all of his needs. It will be a little time yet before he gets to go home but it's never too early to start planning.

I will be decreasing the #'s of times I post on the blog to twice a week. I will provide updates every Wednesdays and Sundays - likely in the evening.



Anonymous said...

yay dennis! so happy to hear you're loosing fluids. must feel good too. :) what a way to start the weekends. hope you get your rest during the weekends so you can start up again on monday. praying and thinking about you~

Anonymous said...

Heh Dennis - your doing so awesome!! I know it must seem like a roller coaster ride but it is such a rush for us to hear about your strong days!! I know you still feel so weak and like the progress is slow but the more you give to your recovery each day the stronger you will be in the long run in the life you want!! We are so excited for You!! May God continue to richly bless you in all good things!!! jeff n